For the next seven days, all of your Valkyrie Troops will have the Super Valkyrie unique ability (whatever that could be).
Clash of clans super troops upgrade#
It sounds like you’ll pay a fee - let’s say 1,000,000 Gold - to have all your Valkyrie Troops upgrade to Super Valkyrie Troops. Let’s just say the Super Troops will be Barbarian, Archer, Goblin and Valkyrie. League of Legends: When is Arena Mode coming back?.Mortal Kombat 1 to feature guest Kameo fighters.Modder adds CJ from GTA: San Andreas to Armored Core VI in less than 24 hours.Starfield: Official PC specs for launch.What to expect when starting an indie and rare Wii collection in 2023.They also offered this image as a clue, so see if you can decipher it. However, a previously posted image seemed to indicate that one of them could be the Valkyrie. Supercell will reveal these Super Troops over the next few days as part of sneak peeks. While you have access to a specific Super Troop, you will not be able to train its “regular” counterpart, and the 7-day access to that Super Troop cannot be canceled. You can only have power-up one Super Troop at a time and each Super buff has a 7-day duration followed by a 7-day cooldown period before you can use it again. It sounds like you’ll pay the cost to access one of the Super Troops and then have use of it for a limited time.

Clash of clans super troops update#
When the Spring update hits, there will be four different Super Troops available to choose from. It doesn’t appear it will cost anything to access the building itself, however, Supercell did confirm that access to Super Troops “can be bought with resources.” Super Troops can be trained at a new barrel-shaped building that will be found near the Trader however, you’ll need to be Town Hall 11 or higher in order to unlock it. Each Super Troop will have a unique ability that is different from their normal counterpart. Super Troops are temporarily powered-up versions of Troops in the Home Village. In preview posted to the blog today, Supercell gave us a sneak peek at what these new, upgraded troops will be: Supercell revealed today the first major new addition coming to Clash of Clans with the Spring 2020 update: Super Troops. Hidden in some of the recent forum posts regarding the upcoming Clash of Clans Spring 2020 update was the word “Super.” Many took this as a hint of some sort of new addition coming to the game.

By Matthew Liebl 3 years ago In the first major reveal for the Clash of Clans Spring 2020 update, Supercell introduced Super Troops, upgraded versions of troops with special abilities.